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Военное право
Военное право

Электронное научное издание "Военное право" 2009г.


Magazine "Military law". Release № 3, 2009

I."Law basis of the realization of social guaranties for discharged servicemen 2009-2011".
M. Gatsko, vice-commander for personnel, RDC # 4, DOD Russia, colonel of law.
The article contains problems of servicemen discharged in 2009-11
Discharged serviceman, social guaranties.
Bibliographical note:
1. President Law “About some questions of the AF” (brief), December 29, 2008. # 1878ss // Krasnaya Zvezda. 2009. Jan 15.
2. U. Gavrilov Attack on states // Russian newspaper. 2009. May 12.
3. SOD order, Russia “The order of discharging and retraining of discharged contract personnel for one of civil occupations”, March 18, 2009 # 95. Krasnaya Zvezda. 2009. May 7.
4. N. Popov “About main ways of realization of social guaranties for discharged officers in the process of AF optimization” URL www.mil.ru
5. A. Bashlakov Social vector // Krasnaya Zvezda. 2009. Feb 11.

II. "To the issue of servicemen record".
D. Grinevich, aspirant of Civil Law department, Military University, senior lieutenant of law
The article contains problems of servicemen record.
Serviceman, record, status.
Bibliographical note:
1. D. Kolesnikov, Military and law guard of serviceman’s honor: dissertation … candidate of law science. Saratov, 2008. P. 56.
2. A. Surjik, Law regulation of honor guard and record in Civil Law of the RF. M., 2007. Pp. 79-80
3. A. Vorobyev Institute of moral harm compensation in Civil Law of the RF. SPb, 2008. P 122.

III. "Specialties of decoration of servicemen in the Russian Empire: historic and law aspect".
O. Zorin, determinant of military administration, administrative and financial department, Military University
This article opens genesis of moral and material stimulation of servicemen through their decoration in pre-Revolution period of the history of the Motherland
Bibliographical note:
1. A. Kuznetsov. Decorations. M., 1988. P. 39.
2. A. Turin Law basis of stimulation of the contract servicemen in the Armed Forces of the Russia Federation: Dissertation. candidate of legal sciences – M., 2005. P. 60.
3. G. Murashev. Titles, ranks, decorations. SPb., 1982. P. 17
4. A. Radischev About legal provision // Best philosophic essays. M., 1949. P. 405.
5. Body of military rules. Part 2, B. 8. Spb., 1892. P. 17.
6. A. Mal’ko Reimbursement law politic. Spb., 2004. P. 180.
7. Signing of orders and other military marks of distinction. Spb., 1892. P. 17.
8. O. kiseleva, A. Mal’ko Institute of law reimbursement in Russia: historic and law aspect // legal science. 1999. # 3.

IV. "Does the military petition law have any future?"
Y.Lobov, professor, candidate of legal sciences, criminal law department, Military University.
About modernization of the military petition law.
Servicemen, special criminal punishments and their execution.
Bibliographical note:
1. A. Tolkatchenko, Y. Lobov. Liquidation of disciplinary units: avoid the repeating of old mistakes // Law in the AF. 2007 # 7.

V. Problems of the criminal liability of servicemen for breaking the rules of Frontier Service.
N. Stepanenko, instructor, candidate of legal sciences, criminal law department, Military University.
About subject and object of the problem during criminal breaking the rules of Frontier Service.
Bibliographical note:
1. H. Ahmedshin, Criminal Justice Act for military crimes, commentaries (art. 1-8) – M, 1986. – p. 14.
2. F. Braznik, Crimes against military service. Train book. – M., 1999. – p. 14
3. A. Ter-Akopov, Criminal law Crimes against military service. Ch. 2- 1999. – pp. 43-44.
4. O. Zatelepin, Object of the crime against military service. Dissertation, candidate of legal sciences – M., Military Institute, 1999
5. S. Komarov, A. Mal’ko, Theory of State and Law, Train book. University textbook (in brief). – M.: Norma, 2003. – p. 255
6. Explanatory Dictionary of Russian Language of Pr. Ushakov in 4 books – B. 3 – M., 1939. – p. 692
7. H. Ahmetshin Subject of crime in Soviet criminal law. – M., 1958. – P. 9.
8. K. Fateev About bringing to criminal responsibility for crimes against military service of Cadets of Military Schools. Magazine “Law in the Armed forces”. – 2002. - # 10.
9. H. Ahmetshin Law about Criminal responsibility for military crimes. Commentaries (art 1-8). – M. 1986. – p. 14.
10. A. Ter-Akopov, Criminal law Crimes against military service. Ch. 2- 1999. – pp. 43-44.

VI. Necessity of general personal insurance of serviceman’s life and health: specialties and ways of modernization.
G. Kholod, deputy of commander for law in Training Centre “Vystrel”, General force Academy, Russian AF, lieutenant-colonel of law.
The article contains problems of the necessity of general personal insurance of serviceman’s life and health and its modernization.
Serviceman, insurance, health, life.
Bibliographical note:
1. Guidance for Military Observers in UN#PKO. 2001.
2. I. Kolodina Human’s life costs 1-10 mln rubles: DOF fixes insurance payments // Russian Business Newspaper. Feb 17, 2009.
3. Military Handbooks – 2008 United States Military Handbook.

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