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Военное право
Военное право

Электронное научное издание "Военное право" 2020г.


Magazine "Military law". Release № 5, 2020


Abbreviations index.

Legal support of national security

1. Damaskin O. V. Problematic aspects of digitalization of management in the sphere of countering the coronavirus pandemic
2. Evseev T. E. Prospects for the development of legal regulation of activities border control units during the stabilization period the situation on the external borders of the CIS member States
3. Koryakin V. M., Popov A. A. Public security as an object of criminal law protection and the participation of national guard troops in its provision

Theory and history of military law

4. Glushachenko S. B. On measures to strengthen unity of command in the red Army in the pre-war year: historical and legal aspect
5. Osipov A. O. History of the formation of military investigative bodies Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation stationed abroad
6. Taradonov S. V. Formation of the concept of military law as an independent one branches of law (from the Soviet period to the present day)
7. Tarasenko Yu. A. Evolution of the Treaty in the specific period of Russia

The military aspects of the civil rights

8. Vasilieva L. P., Aksenova T. G. Problems of privatization of the state Fund in the Russian Federation and issues of sale of released military equipment
9. Zaykov D. E. Rental of real estate of military organizations in the conditions of new coronavirus infection COVID-19
10. Ivanov R. V. Planning and preparation of documentation as a preparation stage of procurement of goods, works and services for the needs of the Armed Forces Russian Federation

Military aspects of administrative law

11. Kanarev T. H. Specific features of border Agency officials as subjects of military law
12. Rybakova M. A. Some issues of improvement of standard-setting activities Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation

Legal liability of military personnel and persons liable for military service

13. Zhuravlev D. S. On the proportionality between the deprivation of the award of a serviceman and committing a disciplinary offense
14. Kirichenko N. S. On the issue of financial responsibility of the commander (chief) for issuing an illegal dismissal order
15. Norenko I. V. Responsibility for failure to appear on call without a valid reason during mobilization, during martial law, and during wartime: some theoretical issues of legal regulation

Legal aspects of education and training

16. Belykh-Silaev D. V. Problems of legal regulation of polygraph examiners ' training in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
17. Leontiev A. V. Legal aspects of political consciousness formation military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
18. Romanov A. B., Fedak A. B. Socio-pedagogical aspects of legal regulation psychological and pedagogical prevention of drug behavior national guard personnel
19. Fedak E. I., Atroshkin D. A., Vinnik G. A. Legal framework for special parachute training
20. Kharitonov V. S. Some issues of legal regulation of training of citizens to military service in DOSAAF on military accounting specialties

Criminal law, criminal procedure and criminology

21. Ovcharov A. V. Criminal liability of an expert in the field of implementation public procurement
22. Santashov A. L., Onishchenko I. S. Criminal-Executive system in the mechanism of internal security security of the company
23. Sudenko V. E. Investigative actions and operational search measures and their ratio in criminal proceedings
24. Kharitonov S. S. Оn compensation for material damage caused as a result of crimes committed by military personnel (on examples of judicial practice
25. Kholikov I. V. Review of the monograph of doctor of law, Professor Damaskin O. V. " Crime in the XXI century: problems and prospects»
26. Shcherbak S. I. Violation of the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation through illegal changes of the State border of the Russian Federation as a manifestation of extremism
27. Yurchenko A.V. Actual aspects of legal regulation of the subject of criminal encroachment provided for in parts 1 and 1.1 of article 258.1 of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation

Military problems of international law

28. Altukhov A.V., Kashkin S. Yu., Slepak V. Yu., Tishchenko S. A. Platform technologies and platform law in the military-industrial complex of Russia and the European Union
29. Kholikov I. V., Plaksa V. N. International legal protection of the civilian population and civil infrastructure in the use of military cyber potential

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