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Военное право
Военное право

Электронное научное издание "Военное право" 2017г.


Magazine "Military law". Release № 5, 2017


The military aspects of administrative law.

1. Glukhov E.A. The need of public control in the army.
2. Mintagov S.A. Legal basis for the organization of search troops, willfully left the place of service, military police of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
3. Rybakova M.A. The concept of normative activities and especially participate in it The Ministry Of Defence.

Military service.

4. Gornovskiy A.А. Certification of servicemen as part of military service.
5. Sokolov Ya.O. An overview of changes in legislation on alternative civil the service in the 2016 — 2017.
6. Tuganov Yu.N., Zhuravlev S.I. Methodological aspects of activity of the employee of special services in the process of passing the state service.

Civil-legal aspects of military law.

7. Egorov A.P. The legal regime of air x the courts of the state of aviation as objects of immovable property.
8. Mironov N.I. Some problems of legal regulation of family relations with the participation of military personnel.
9. Svininykh E.A., Moiseev D.V. Improving the determination of prices for products supplied under the state defense order.
10. Slepko G.E. Consistency of legal regulation of relations in the sphere of rights to results of intellectual activity created for defense purposes.
11. Sokolova E.V. The causal link between the actions of military organizations and the ensuing harm as one of the grounds of civil liability.
12. Trofimov M.V. The problem of differentiation of legal status of bodies, institutions and enterprises in the system of military organizations.

History of military law and military law.

13. Singilevich D.A. Acquisition of the workers and peasants red Army military medical personnel in the pre-war period (1917 — 1941): historical and legal aspect.
14. Papkov S.V. Main stages in the evolution of differentiated forms of pre-trial proceedings in domestic criminal proceedings.
15. Shkarevski D.N. To the question about the development of military law in the USSR (1930s — early 1950s).

Legal education. Legal work.

16. Ivaneev S.V.Rational-ethical guidelines in legal education of servicemen.
17. Ovcharov A. O. Problems of jurisdiction in the activities of chaplains and their solutions (issues of improvement of legal work).

Prosecutorial activities

18. Danilova N.A., Nikolaeva T.G. Analysis by the Prosecutor of evidence in a criminal case received with indictment ruling.
19. Ermolovich Y. N., Chestnov N.E. The problems of supervision of the military Prosecutor's office over execution of laws by military investigating bodies at investigation of crimes.
20. Tereshchuk S.S. The Foundation of the Prosecutor's investigation and notice of her.
21. Kharitonov S.S. About some questions of realization of the right to military prosecutors for additional Zhiluyu area until 2017.

Civil and arbitration process.

22. Voronov A.F. Of litigation expenses for the protection of the rights of servicemen.
23. Sensin V.M. On the practice of the higher courts in the field of environmental protection and nature management.

Criminology. Criminal law. The criminal process.

24. Damaskin O.V.Criminological aspects of the study of combating crime.
25. Onokolov Yu. Objective and subjective side of military crimes in a combat situation, wars and other hostilities.
26. Tuganov Yu.N., Bystrov P.G. The legal Institute of Amnesty: procedural gaps and ways of addressing them.

Foreign military legislation. International issues of military law.

27. Verdyan A.A. Questions of jurisdiction and legal assistance in cases related to the stay
the military personnel of border agencies outside the Russian Federation.
28. Mikhailenko V.B., Verbitskaya T.V. The formation of an international regime for the prohibition of nuclear weapons.
29. Petrov I.V. Administrative legal counteraction against extremist activities of the CIS countries, as well as the possibility of its application in the Russian Federation.
30. Furazhnin D.Yu. Contemporary factors that contribute to the problems of legal regulation of cooperation of States in combating international terrorism.
31. Chernyadeva N.A. On the admissibility in international law of the term "war on terror".

Reviews of military legal publications.

32. Koryakin V.M. To the question of the relationship between military security and investigative activities.

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