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Военное право
Военное право

Электронное научное издание "Военное право" 2017г.


Magazine "Military law". Release № 3, 2017


Legal support of national security.

1. Krasinsky V.V. On the legal regulation of foreign investments in the interest of protecting state sovereignty of the Russian Federation.
2. Skulakov R.M. Territorial integrity of the state in system of scientific categories and its methodological values for a military law.
3. Trofimov M.V. Theoretical basis of the financial and legal support military security of the Russian Federation.
4. Kholopova E.N., Sviyazov D.A. The competence of the border agencies of the federal security service to combat terrorism and extremism.

The military aspects of administrative law.

5. Gluhov E.A., Koryakin V.M. On intervention of the command of the private life of subordinates (on the example of the prevention dorozhno-transport incidents to participation of military personnel).
6. Nazarchuk I.A. The basic legal problems of financial control in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
7. Rybakovа M.A. Some issues of cooperation of the Russian defense Ministry with legislative and Executive authorities in the sphere of lawmaking.
8. Sergeev A.V. Administrative and legal regimes that are used in the protection of information.
9. Subanova N.V., Shelkovnikova E.D. Theoretical and legal foundations of licensing system of control over arms circulation in modern Russia.
10. Shenshin V.M. Application features the commander of the military part of the rules of administrative law.

Social protection and social security.

11. Ananievа E.E. Legal regulation of pension provision of persons, dismissed from military service and members of their families who are leaving (who left) for permanent residence abroad.
12. Ilimeneicin P.V. The legal conflict of certain provisions of the legislation on social support of veterans.
13. Sogiyanen A.A. Medical assistance in military medical institutions: the legal framework and criteria attachment.

Prosecutorial activities.

14. Mahanova R.M. Whether the Prosecutor's tactics?
15. Obukhovski I.N., Shnjakina T.S. The prosecutor's inspection as the main form of the detection of violations of the legislation in the state.
16. Subanova N.V., Vorontsov A.A. Prosecution by the prosecutor of legality in the sphere of procurement of goods, works, services for state and municipal needs: process aspects.

The rule of law and military discipline.

17. Mikhalev D.M. About conducting functional audit check, as obligatory stage of disciplinary production.
18. Tuganov Yu. N., Aulov V.K. Building a system right stimulation of military discipline: a brief overview of the main concepts and approaches to legal design.

Legal education and training.

19.Ivaneev S.V. Legal culture in providing innovative orientation of education (the case of legal education military — musulman).
20. Strazhevich Yu.N., Slepko G.E. The role of a family both for a children’s military-patriotic education and for raising of the state’s defense capability.

Criminal law. The criminal procedure. Forensics.

21. Оnokolov Yu.P. Identifying determinants committed in combat crimes related to violation of rules for handling weapons, ammunition and explosives, will contribute to their counter.
22. Papkov S.V. On the improvement of the legal regulation of the production of inquiry in a reduced form by the investigator of the border body.
23. Rumyantseva I.V. Typical mechanisms of crimes against military service.

Foreign military legislation Military aspects of international law.

24. Belyaev N.N. System R & d of military, civil and dual-use foreign experience and possibilities of its use in Russia.
25. Lychev D.I. The problem of international legal protection of atmospheric air during military conflicts.
26. Ovcharov О.A. The legal work to improve the defense of church-state relations based on the experience of Italy (мilitary and legal, scientific and theological research).

Reviews of military legal publications.

27. Rener N.A., Makarova O.A. Military-legal studies: contemporary issues and perspectives.
28. Shurygina, Yu.A. Judicial protection of the rights of servicemen as an academic discipline.

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